Thursday, 18 October 2007


I feel I am regressing. My routine here has been to:

  • Wake early;
  • Go to the gym;
  • Have a large breakfast;
  • Work;
  • Have a large lunch;
  • Work;
  • Eat fruit;
  • Go to the gym;
  • Work;
  • Have a large dinner;
  • Work;
  • Go to the bar;
  • Sleep.
Repeat cycle each week day.

It's just like being a student again... Well, OK, there may be a few minor differences. As a student I spent more time at the gym, or actually rowing on real water instead of beating a machine, spent less time at work, slightly more time playing cards with my neighbour, and usually managed to squeeze in a takeaway from Ahmed* between the bar and getting ample sleep. My conclusion is that even the perk parts of working for a living do not stand comparison with being a student.

Does anyone out there need a spare research student...?

*Ahmed was the purveyor of the finest kebabs in the city. All hail the Special Chips.


DJ Kirkby said...

Congratulations, you are a winner on this week's wordless Wednesday. Come on over and collect your winner's button!

Casdok said...

Congratulations! Well deserved! Made me laugh!

But Why? said...

Woo-hoo! Thanks, dj. I think all those shiny, bright, touchy-feely accelerated learning techniques must have given my creativity a boost. (It could also have been due to the huge and unaccustomed amount of sleep I was getting.) xx

Thanks. I must admit you did likewise when I finally realised why you'd made your comment about being "the one with the ears"... Genius! xx

Casdok said...

I thought i would let you work that one out!!!!

But Why? said...

I couldn't. Too discreet for me. I needed dj's subtle help in explaining it to me. All this education and I still can't recognise a pair of ears when I see them... xx

143Gifts said...

She is spinning from left to right -

But Why? said...

Hello, 143gifts. You seem to be in the minority - most other visitors see her spinning clockwise. I spent a few minutes with a friend having an argument about which way she was spinning. I saw her spinning anticlockwise whilst my friend simultaneously saw her spinnign clockwise. I rather like these sorts of illusions.