Saturday, 21 July 2007


This is so much harmless fun...

In another life...

Now go and make your own here. Thanks to Sam C (currently blogless) for pointing me the way...


DJ Kirkby said...

I did one and ended up as the ectomorph woman...hmmm...

KindaBlue said...

Excellent! It even likes Linux, which is quite handy considering I've spent most of this afternoon trying to go open source.

But Why? said...

Well, dj, I'd like to think that mine doesn't exactly flatter me, but Badger recognised it as me, so I guess it must contain elements of accuracy, whatever I'd like to think.

So... do we all get to see Ectomorph Woman (is that your superhero identity)?

But x

DJ Kirkby said...

Erm... I don't know about super hero identity, super sized that's for sure! I hadnt thought to put it up on my blog but maybe I will...

DJ Kirkby said...

Okay, I can't get it off the Simpsons site and onto my blog, how did you do that?

But Why? said...

Download it - there's a little down arrown thing sitting in the row buttons at the bottom underneath all the eye/nose/clothin etc. options...

Found it?

Excellent - I shall be popping over shortly to see the unveiling of Ectomorph Woman...

But xx

DJ Kirkby said...

Okaaaayyyyy, I found it and tried to download it and appear to have broken it... will keep trying, look for it on my Wordless Wednesday post, if I have been sucessful, it will be on tha tpost.

But Why? said...

I shall be keeping my eyes peeled for the debut of The Amazing Ectomorph Woman.

I will keep my fingers crossed for the unveiling - good luck with it(!)

But x

DJ Kirkby said...

Grrr still no joy, I even asked Chopper to have a go! It goes throught the motions then says the page can't be accessed....?????