Tuesday, 21 October 2008

In case you missed it earlier...

...the 'King of Viagra' has been jailed for fraud.

There are a number of aspects I like about this story:

  • a bad guy has been jailed;
  • a doctor has been found guilty of flogging paint-covered placebos...;
  • ... to numerous Americans, hampering their chances of procreation and limiting population growth (thus in many ways providing a valuable public service);
  • From further research, I understand the fakes were sold at £10-£15 a pop, which suggests the chap has only managed to flog in the region of 10,000 of the things, which strikes me as being a bit inept;
  • It particularly tickles me that, despite the victims being located across the globe, the proceeds of crime will benefit the UK.

The last point suggests to me that, rather than jailing this chap at the present time, it would have been far more beneficial for him to be allowed to continue his fraud, in fact, perhaps being coached in the art, making greater profits before being apprehended and reaping greater rewards for the rest of us from the proceeds of crime. Of course, none of this will actually make any difference to my tax bill (or yours, for that matter), but I (rather cynically) find it heartening to think that this chap has unwittingly brought cash into the UK economy which might keep a few consultants in work for a few more months.

Incidentally, acquaintances inform me that the public sector is spending on consultancy like there's no tomorrow. This is largely because, as far as they're concerned, there is no tomorrow and all budgets will be slashed. But meanwhile public sector consultancy is booming. Its a funny old ecomony...

In other news, I am immensely pleased to report the recent production of several solid sh*ts. I cannot begin to describe how proud I am of them. (So pleased was I, I had to restrain myself from taking pictures...)


The Periodic Englishman said...

It's a little bit difficult, certainly, to feel entirely sorry for the people buying these things over the internet. I mean what, really, did they expect?

Sorry to read (previous post) that you've been so wretchedly suffering this past wee while, incidentally. Although congrats on the poo. (Yes, I really did just say that.)

Kind regards etc....


But Why? said...

Why, hello. Lovely, absolutely splendid to see you here, sir. Why, pull up a stool and make yourself at home.

Yes, whilst I have some sympathy for those taken in (I wouldn't encourage anyone to feed paint to others, unless it was designed to be edible. I understand some are...), I'm pleased for their accidental augmentation of the public purse.

And I'm still producing solids (chemically assisted, admittedly, but then again, I didn't buy my drugs over the interweb (though my GPs are so rubbish I was tempted at times.))

DJ Kirkby said...

Any diagnosis yet? Says the nosey reader...this post made me lol btw.

trousers said...

It's worth you taking a look at dj kirkby's latest Wordless Wednesday post if you haven't already, Dr But Why? (I've been tempted to address you as Dr WTF? but perhaps that wouldn't be the done thing at all, and I'll apologise even though I haven't actually referred to you in such a way).

I enjoyed the clear-headed thinking about the 'King of Viagra' - and yes, it's quite notable that he actually sold so few!

Anonymous said...

I lack your decency, Trousers, I'm afraid. Watch out - theft in progress....

Dr Wtf? Hello again. Is it at all possible - please - that you just suggested I "pull up a stool" and make myself at home? Did that actually just happen? This made me gasp with disgusted and horrified pleasure, you dangerously funny criminal.

Looky, I'm v. happy to be here, okay, but, if it's all the same to you, I'll maybe just stand here in the corner, safe.

Anyway, yes, any accidental augmentation of the public purse is most welcome, agreed. But what of morals, But Why, and the fact that we now profit from stolen goods (in effect)?

Actually, it's a little bit hard to care about that, too, isn't it? Hurrah.

Still reeling,


Kahless said...

I think we should use all means possible to reduce tax payer burden!

Fraud is a fascinating topic. Someone at work recently went to a conference where ex-fraudster told some of their scams. Dead interesting to hear (as long as not my money!) Its amazing how easy some people can be duped!

But Why? said...

No, nothing so exalted as a diagnosis. The latest in the saga is I'll get my referal to the gastroenterologist after another round of drugs doesn't fix me and I produce another negative sample. I fail to see why it is taking my GP so long to work out that they don't know what it is and are unlikely to find out, when it appears obvious to me that this is the case.

Lovely legwear, how are you? Dr WTF? seems an appropriate moniker at the moment. Or after last weekend's demonstration of boat rage, perhaps Dr FFS! would be more fitting. I would write all about it but having already vented in several places to several people, I'm all vented out. And I have in fact taken a look at DJ's latest WW. My ears turned pink. I've never seen a monkey with a burning ambition to become a kebab before...

I'm afraid so, yes. You didn't like the stool? I'm sorry. I believe you answered you own question earlier - "what of morals?" And as for profiting from stolen goods, I'd rather I profited from stolen goods (in a roundabout way) than the criminals who did the stealing... And please stop reeling, it's most unbecoming.

I'm with you there. I'd like to start by finding a way to stop departments from having an incentive to overspend every year for fear of losing budget in the following. It makes me so angry (and busy in Feb/March). The conference you mention sounds excellent - was it a work-related trip?

Tim Atkinson said...

Isn't that what many drugs comapnies have done for years. (As as for institutionalised fraud, well... don't lets start a roll-call of 'respectable' democracies - life's too short!)

Rob Clack said...

Welcome back and I'm glad you're evidently feeling better, even if chemically assisted. Thank you for sparing us the photos.

trousers said...

I realise, Dr Wtf?, that you've asked me that question before and I've failed to answer. I'm fine, thanks.

Well I'm not: I'm tired and a bit hassled and I seem to have been a bit run down for the last 2 months what with one thing or another, but at my very core (wherever that is) I'm the same old pair of trousers, and that can't be bad.

Kate said...

I'm glad you're feeling firmer.

Reading the Signs said...

Mazel tov, Doctor Why!

But Why? said...

Hello. Welcome to my humble abode (and please forgive all the talk of diarrhoea - it has been a staple feature of my blog for some time now in one way or another, but I'm hoping to put a stop to all that).

A roll-call of respectable democracies? Ok, I'll start.



Nope. Can't think of any. There probably is one, somewhere. But where, and are they accepting new immigrants?

Rob C
Hi. Thanks. Yes, feeling a lot better, not only for keeping food inside me for long enough to derive nutrition from it, but also for being back in training and getting rid of some of the frustration of being weak and feeble. I'm all in favour of chemical assistance - I might not know what the problem is but at least I've got the symptoms in check...

My condolences on your troubles. Glad to hear it hasn't affected your essence. I do hope you get better soon...

Thanks. It's a bit of a relief. I'm hoping it doesn't prove to be temporary.

Thankyou! I remain rather chuffed with every solid passed...