Saturday, 16 February 2008


This is wrong.

I should not be blogging.

I should instead have been having my first lie-in since Christmas*. However, I've been rudely awakened by an accursed SIM update at 0815hrs. On a Saturday. Did no-one think about the scheduling of these updates?

Damned technology...


*36 hours of norovirus-induced narcolepsy does not meet the criteria for a lie-in.


Wayfarer Scientista said...

that is indeed annoying... too bad you can't text them at the wee hours of some morning.

Anonymous said...

My only action which could be classed as a new year's resolution of any kind was to put my mobile on silent. Mind you, I was very annoyed to be woken at a similar time on new year's day, thanks to a friend of mine who had sent a text to my landline by mistake: due to all the network traffic, it arrived at around 8 in the morning in the form of my landline phone ringing as opposed to 1am when it was sent.

But turning one's mobile on to silent is still a good idea at such times.


KindaBlue said...

Bless... I concur with Trousers - at night, silent mode is your friend.

DJ Kirkby said...

What, you don't turn your moby off at night? Phone them and complain anyway, tell them some people have a life!

But Why? said...

Yes. I was most peeved. Bad, bad mobile phone people. Hrumph.

Trousers, Blue, DJ,
Turning it off would have been a splendid plan. I'm usually pretty handy at this, but somehow neglected to do so. Silly me!

Kahless said...

Yes life can conspire like that.
I think you should have gone for a row to kil that grrr towards your moby company!

titration said...

I think the entire world should have a group lie in :). Wishing you some good sleep to make up for this sad event!

But Why? said...

Gosh, yes, life is a bizarre little creature, isn't it? Sadly, I was unable to get on the river, having to head out of town later that morning, otherwise I'd have been taking it all out on the water.

A group lie-in? That sounds like a fully-paid-up-adult version of a sleepover party. Not sure about the entire world doing it, tho - would we have to move everyone to the same time zone and give them time to get over the jet-lag? Or could we have the entire world spending 24 hrs in bed, perhaps? I feel that coordinating this may present considerable challenges.

Thanks for the sleepy wishes - I'll be cashing them in later this week when I have a couple of days off work!

Deepali said...

I once got an SMS for some loan product at 2:40 AM or something. Usually I would ignore it but it was 2nd Jan so I thought it might be someone either wishing me or some emergency so got up to read it.

You can bet I am never buying that product and never hiring their marketing team (If I find them) to do any work for me ever.

But Why? said...

Isn't it infuriating? Grrrrr...