Monday, 17 December 2007

Community communications

Having spectacularly failed to meet a chap with whom I reputedly share a front door despite having been here a month, it is reassuring to see signs of recent human activity in the local area. It appears I'm not the only person who got annoyed by the pooch poo - I stumbled across this message heading down to Putney:

In a similar vein, here's a polite request from a restaurant to an unwelcome diner:

It is reassuring to see signs of recent human activity in the local area, even if the only signs are vandalism and open letters to thieves.


DJ Kirkby said...

Hmmmmm...nice area you live in...

Casdok said...


Rob Clack said...

If you told the restaurant owner he'd scored 83% for English he'd probably be pleased.

But Why? said...

Oh yes, nothing but the very finest of manners round here...

Well, it brought a smile to my face.

Rob C,
Nah, I reckon he'd be plaesed, instead.

They're not typos when you make them with a pen, are they? They're just wrong...

Fire Byrd said...

Ah all this comes from living in the civilised capitol city of our country!
here in the uncivilised sticks we have dog bins and little crime....

trousers said...

Little crime - is that carried out by Elves? Just a thought.

I enjoyed this post especially since I experienced some dog-poo related rage the other day. Someone had clearly trod in it, and it was equally clear that the dog has had plenty to eat lately, since the mess was just all over the pavement.

Cue me cursing under my breath, not for the last time..

But Why? said...

It was only when I read your comment that I realised where London was going wrong.

We Have No Dog Bins Here.

Really. I like the idea - it cuts straight to the source of the problem, without shilly-shallying around with poo bins which merely ease the symptoms of the problem. Why deal with poo when you can deal with dogs?

I therefore propose that London should ensure an ample supply of large capacity bins (each one suitable for containing multiple dogs) and declare an amnesty for any owners of prodigiously poo-producing pooches to deposit their animal in the bins to be surrendered to the care of the community, with no questions asked.

Ah, you country folk are clever sometimes... xx

But Why? said...

But of course. Little crime, committed, surely, by little people. Or Elves. Or perhaps even pixies?

Fire Byrd said...

pixies I'll have you know are very law abiding when they are not speeding/ being drunk and disorderly/ whisking pens from work/ and eating too much choolate.
They are models of good behaviour....

But Why? said...

I'm disturbed to see that eating too much chocolate has become a crime. How much is too much? And is it time-averaged? For instance, if I succumb and buy a whole bar of Maya gold and eat it all over a couple of hours, and then nothing for a few months, can I average my momentary gluttony across those chocolate-free weeks and months and remain on the right side of the law?

Rob Clack said...

My god! Binge chocolate-scoffing! What has the world come to?

DJ Kirkby said...

Please be advised of my best wishes for an environmentally-conscious, socially-responsible, low stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most joyous tradition of the religious persuasion of your choice, and with respect for the religious persuasions of others, or for their choice not to practice a religion at all.

Also please have a fiscally successful, personally-fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to our society have helped make our nation great, without regard to the race, creed, colour, religious or sexual orientation of those
so distinguished... xoxo from our family to you!

Fire Byrd said...

Yeah I'm with DJ or the short version is Happy Christmas.

Casdok said...

And hope you have a wonderful christmas to! Cas and C x

Anna MR said...

Oh, Mutta, a short and to the point season's greetings to you, although I find your pooch-binning suggestions particularly shocking at this given moment in time. I am, however, prepared to allow this to rise from your scientific sense of humour.

Putney, did you say? And here was me thinking you lived somewhere else altogether. I deduce you have moved during my hermit weeks.

But Why? said...

Rob C,
Ah, if only chocolate was the worst of my sinning. I'm a fiend for cheese, and just polishing off a couple of samples picked up from Borough market, ably accompanied with a crisp glass of chilled Sancerre...

What a superb greeting. Thankyou, and the same to you and yours xx

And the same to you. Hope to see you in the New Year to work off some of the 15lb turkey I've got a one-third share in...

Casdok + C,
Hope you've both had a great Christmas, and that 2008 brings you joy and understanding xx

Merry Christmas! And thankyou for your understanding in following the track of my humour. I would of course fight most resolutely against the installation of an y suich dog bins, and organise petitions and the like, but I'm afraid the opportunity for a little joke was just too much for my weak-willed self to resist. I do hope your little dogot is settling in nicely.

And as for Putney, well, yes I have re-located myself away from sleepy little Guildford and into The Big Smoke, where I have perched myself between Hammersmith and Putney, and condensed most of my life into a few square miles. It's a massive relief from commuting, and turning out to be very good fun.

Merry Christmas and a great 2008 xx